how to get out infinite loop

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
OLUBUKOLA ogunsola
OLUBUKOLA ogunsola 2016-6-24
评论: jgg 2016-6-24
this code required to calculate the smallest multiple with uint64 format bit gets stuck on argument 45. it only displays busy . can someone explain why?
function answer = smallest_multiple (N)
limit =1e15;
for i = N:N:limit
for j = N:-1:1
if mod(i,j) ~= 0
if j == 1
answer =uint64(i);
  3 个评论
OLUBUKOLA ogunsola
OLUBUKOLA ogunsola 2016-6-24
anything smaller than that comes back with the result ' output argument "answer" ( and maybe others) not assigned during call to "smallest_multiple" . but it doesn't do that with output argument up to 30. then it gives the error
jgg 2016-6-24
You break out of your loop if i is not divisible by j at any point; this means answer is not assigned in many loop iterations. This is probably not what you want to do here.


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