How convert surfpoints?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
How to convert surfpoints to type int? I have a vector of surfpoints but I can't see it. I want to get the values of surfpoints. I'm working to create a panoramic photo and I need get the matched features of pair photos but Matlab bring back type surfpoints and I can't work with them. Thanks.


Swarooph 2016-7-8
I don't think you need int type to just match features. The workflow is to use detectSURFFeatures to get a SURFPoints variable --> feed this to extractFeatures to get a list of binaryFeatures --> Feed this with another set of binaryFeatures (of the second image) to matchFeatures function to match the features. Take a look at this example.
If you REALLY wanted to access the location and orientation of the SURFPoints variable, use the dot notation. For e.g. mysurfPoints.Location or mysurfPoints.Orientation. Documentation here.

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