Robotics Toolbox & GUI

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ahmed Nabil
Ahmed Nabil 2016-7-14
Hi, im using peter corke toolbox to create simple example of forward kinematics
here is the code which is work fine
function test
global X Y Z Ss J1 J2 J3 J4
Ss = ( [ J1 J2 J3 J4 ] * pi / 180 );
X = F_x(Ss);
Y = F_y(Ss);
Z = F_z(Ss);
function X = F_x(Ss)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(Ss);
X= T(1,4);
function Y = F_y(Ss)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(Ss);
Y= T(2,4);
function Z = F_z(Ss)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(Ss);
Z= T(3,4);
but when i try to get input from GUI for the same example i got error say
Error using SerialLink/fkine (line 85) q must have 4 columns
here is the code..
function start_butt_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global X Y Z D J1 J2 J3 J4
% hObject handle to start_butt (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
D = ( [ J1 J2 J3 J4 ] * pi / 180 );
X = F_x(D);
Y = F_y(D);
Z = F_z(D);
%set_param('LabRobot3/J1','value', get(handles.theta1,'string'))
%set_param('LabRobot3/J2','value', get(handles.theta2,'string'))
%set_param('LabRobot3/J3','value', get(handles.theta3,'string'))
%set_param('LabRobot3/J4','value', get(handles.theta4,'string'))
%set_param('LabRobot3/J5','value', get(handles.theta5,'string'))
function X = F_x(D)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(D);
X= T(1,4);
function Y = F_y(D)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(D);
Y= T(2,4);
function Z = F_z(D)
L1 = Link([ 0 19.49 13.9 -pi/2 0 ]);
L2 = Link([ 0 0 84 0 0 ]);
L3 = Link([ 0 0 93.54 0 0 ]);
L4 = Link([ 0 0 75.27 0 0 ]);
R = SerialLink([L1 L2 L3 L4], 'name', 'Lab Robot');
T = R.fkine(D);
Z= T(3,4);
any help ?

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