how to store the matrix into dat file.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have one question about saving the matrix into .dat file. I donot know how to implement it. I will describe the question.
1. I have one matrix c
2. I want to save c into one .dat file in this format:
1 qid:1 1:0.4709 2:0.1948 3:0.2277 4:0.9254
2 qid:1 1:0.2305 2:0.2259 3:0.4357 4:0.4302
3 qid:1 1:0.8443 2:0.1707 3:0.3111 4:0.1848
The elements are separated by a space character Does anybody can help me solve this problem? Thanks so much.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-8-5
fid = fopen('YourFile.dat', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%d qid:1 1:%6.4f 2:%6.4f 3:%6.4f 4:%6.4f\n', C.');
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-8-5
The data is not stored in one row: you are using an obsolete editor to look at the file. Microsoft started replacing NotePad by 1997.
If you need to keep using 20 year old software, then replace the 'w' with 'wt'
Aiswarya Babu
Aiswarya Babu 2021-6-11
help me to store data as a text file.
These are the values i need to store as a text file .
29 C3 50 5F 57 14 20 F6 40 22 99 B3 1A 02 D7 3A
Kindly help me.


更多回答(1 个)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2016-8-5
fprintf(fid,[repmat('%f ',1,4) '\r\n'],A)


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