Compare pair of rows in a matrix

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Neelabh Pant
Neelabh Pant 2016-8-25
Suppose I have a Matrix like A = [12.05; 12.10; 12.25; 12.45] and I want to find difference between A(1) and A(2) then A(2) and A(3) and so on. Basically I am trying to compare time column and I have a huge data set with maybe 900,000 rows. I used a simple for loop which seems to take a very long time (naturally). Can you help me optimize this issue. Here's my code.
for j = 1:(length(usr)-1)
t11 = usr(j,5);
t22 = usr(j+1,5);
secs = fix((datenum(t22) - datenum(t11)) * 86400);
if (secs > 600 && secs < 1800)
placesLat = [placesLat;usr((j+1),2)];
placesLong = [placesLong;usr((j+1),3)];
Where placesLat and placesLong are just an array. I cannot assign memory before hand because I am not sure about the final result length.
Thanks in advance.

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-8-25
There are two possibilities, diff and filter:
A = [12.05; 12.10; 12.25; 12.45];
dA = filter([1 -1], 1, A); % Use ‘filter’
dA = diff(A); % Use ‘diff’
The advantage to using filter is that the resulting vectors are the same lengths. The diff output is one element shorter than the input.
  2 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-8-25
My pleasure.
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