Large error between exact analytic answer and numeric integration

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to solve the equation below in (1) and (2) using the numerical integrator (ode45, ode15s, etc.) within Matlab so I can compare it to the exact analytical steady-state solution from basic vibration analysis. This is a simplified problem to determine the cause of other issues I’m running into with other simulations.
(1) M= [3 1; 1 5],K=[7 -1; -1 10],F1= [1; 4],F2= [-1; 7]
(2 ) M(d^2x/dt^2)+Kx=F1 sin(αt)+F2cos(βt)
According to vibration theory, the exact steady-state analytical solution should be:
(3) x(t)=sin(αt)*(-Mα^2+K)^(-1)*F1+cos(βt)*(-Mβ^2+K)^(-1)*F2
Substituting in the matrices and performing the calculations, the result is:
(4) x(t)= [(-α^2-14)/(14α^4-67α^2+69); (-11α^2+29)/(14α^4-67α^2+69)] sin(αt)+[(12β^2-3)/(14α^4-67α^2+69); -22β^2+48)/(14α^4-67α^2+69))]cos(βt)
In my problem I assume α,β=1, so that the resulting solution is:
(5) x(t)=[0.8125; 1.125]sin(t)+[0.5625; 1.625]cos(t)
Approaching this problem using the numerical integrator (ode45, ode15s, etc.), the problem set up is as follows:
function dy = EoMExample(t,y)
% function to be integrated
%y(1) = x1 dy(1) = x1dot
%y(2) = x2 dy(2) = x2dot
%y(3) = x1dot dy(3) = x1dotdot
%y(4) = x2dot dy(4) = x2dotdot
%y(5) = x1dotdot dy(5) = x1dotdotdot
%y(6) = x2dotdot dy(6) = x2dotdotdot
%y(7) = x1dotdotdot
%y(8) = x2dotdotdot
dy = zeros(8,1);
dy(1) = y(3);
dy(2) = y(4);
dy(3) = (1/3)*(-y(6)-7*y(1)+y(2)+sin(t)-cos(t));
dy(4) = (1/5)* (-y(5)+y(1)-10*y(2)+4*sin(t)+7*cos(t));
dy(5) = y(7);
dy(6) = y(8);
Where the driver is:
%% Driver for integrating equations of motion
runtime = 30; %[sec] Total desired runtime for each
free stream velocity
%Initial Conditions
x10 = 0;
x20 = 0;
x1dot0 = 0;
x2dot0 = 0;
x1dotdot0 = 0;
x2dotdot0 = 0;
x1dotdotdot0 = 0;
x2dotdotdot0 = 0;
% Integrate EoM for the specified timespan
tspan1 = [0 runtime];
x_init = [x10; x20; x1dot0; x2dot0; x1dotdot0; x2dotdot0; x1dotdotdot0; x2dotdotdot0];
options = odeset('abstol',1e-8,'reltol',1e-5,'InitialStep',1e-4,'MaxStep',1e-3);
[t, x] = ode45(@(t,y) EoMExample(t,y), tspan1, x_init, options);
If I run this driver and plot the results for x1 and x2, it is very chaotic and does not reach a steady-state value. The two states are not simple sinusoids as represented by the analytic solution (eqn. (5)). My question is how there could be such a major discrepancy? I have tried running the integrator for large values to see if steady-state is achieved, but it never happens. I’ve tried stiff and non-stiff integrators with the same result from both. Is there some fundamental aspect of this problem I have overlooked? Are the numerical integrators within Matlab simply not able to handle coupled 2nd order differential equations? Any and all feedback is much appreciated.

回答(2 个)

Mark Shore
Mark Shore 2012-2-24
I rarely work with differential equations but you should check your basic equation again.
For some reason you have a 1D harmonic oscillator with NO damping term and two sinusoidal driving forces. Normally there should be a dx/dt term (even a small one) in your equation.
Without a damping term there is nothing to stop the amplitudes from growing, generating numerical instability and never reaching a steady state.
  1 个评论
Thomas 2012-2-24
I have purposely neglected any damping so I can try to pinpoint the cause of the error. Even without damping the system should reach a steady-state oscillation which should be identical to the analytical solution of the superposition of a sine and cosine of the same frequency.


Mike Hosea
Mike Hosea 2012-2-28
Your formulation has many problems. I don't see that you're using a mass matrix with ODE45, and you also have not inverted M, at least not correctly. Why 8 components? You're setting the 2nd and 3rd derivatives to zero. The steady state solution does not have that property, so obviously this formulation is incorrect. When I substitute a correct formulation of the problem (with only 4 components) and begin the integration on the steady-state solution, it stays there.


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