Str2num error

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Naoki Ishibashi
Naoki Ishibashi 2016-9-9
I am getting the following error:
Error using str2num
Too many input arguments.
Error in b (line 8)
daystr = str2num(i,'%o');
Here is the portion of the code:
numFiles = 31;
startRow = 1;
endRow = inf;
myData = cell(1,numFiles);
for i = 0:numFiles
if i<10
daystr = ['0', str2num (i)];
daystr = str2num(i);
filename = ['TS2004.07.',daystr,'.00','.txt'];
mtx(i) = load(filename);
I want to load all text files, 'TS2004.07.0000.txt' to 'TS2004.07.3100.txt'.

回答(2 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2016-9-10
编辑:the cyclist 2016-9-10
Don't leave a space between the function name and the parentheses. Also, I think you meant to use num2str here, not str2num. Try

Naoki Ishibashi
Naoki Ishibashi 2016-9-10
Thank you, I solve one error to change num2str(i), but I still have one problem in following,
mtx(i) = load(filename);
I want to put each data into mtx(0) to mtx(31)
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-9-10
You cannot index a structure at index 0. You will need to add 1, so
mtx(i+1) = load(filename);
See also
Naoki Ishibashi
Naoki Ishibashi 2016-9-10
Thank you so much, I solve my problem.



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