Damping Ratios and Frequencies

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rob Jepp
Rob Jepp 2016-9-21
编辑: Zhao Wang 2016-9-26
I've generated space state and transfer functions for a vehicle how would I estimate the damping ratios and natural frequencies of the vehicle on a suspension test facility?

回答(1 个)

Zhao Wang
Zhao Wang 2016-9-26
编辑:Zhao Wang 2016-9-26
I understand that you want to derive damping ratios and natural frequencies from a linear model. This model may be a state-space model or a transfer function.
If you have access to the System Identification Toolbox, you can use the "damp" function. For example, the following command displays a list of damping ratios and natural frequencies:
>> [Wn,zeta] = damp(sys)
In this example, input 'sys' is the linear model. Output 'Wn' is a vector of natural frequencies and 'zeta' is a vector of damping ratios.
For more details about the "damp" function, refer to the following link:


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