Creation of Simulink Real-Time CD Boot image failed. Matlab r2016b, Win 10.

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Hello everyone,
Using the Simulink Real-Time Explorer (slrtexplr, former xpcexplr) I cannot create a bootable disk.\ I get the error: "Creation of Simulink Real-Time CD Boot image failed."
Using the command line commands xpcbootdisk or SimulinkRealTime.createBootImage give both the same error: ">> xpcbootdisk Current boot mode: CDBoot Creation of Simulink Real-Time CD Boot image failed." ">> SimulinkRealTime.createBootImage Current boot mode: CDBoot Creation of Simulink Real-Time CD Boot image failed."
When googling the problem I found the following old Thread having a similar but different problem ( In my case the CDboot.iso does not exist on my harddrive, also not in the temporary directory located with "tempdir".
I am using a Windows 10 64bit (Edu) version and Matlab r2016b. Since it already fails at creating an iso image, I do not think that hardware/driver information for the CD/DVD burner is relevant. Please let me know if I am mistaken.
I have now tested the same on a Windows 7 pro 64 bit machine and I receive the same failure to create the image. This seems to be a bug and therefore I create a bug report.
Thanks for your help/support,
best regards Nicolas Gerig


Gowtham Uma M Jaganathan
This is a bug in R2016b when creating CD boot images due to the size of the kernel being larger than the size of a floppy 1.44mb using Graphics mode.
In order to workaround this issue you can create a boot disk without Graphics mode enabled, or use a different target boot method.
Besides disabling the graphics mode, you can also try using another boot method, for example using a USB drive:
  2 个评论
James Brown
James Brown 2016-12-16
I'm having the same problem. This answer makes no sense. The problem involves making a boot CD, not a boot floppy. Why would the size of the image being too large for a floppy have anything to do with burning a CD?
Gijs van Oort
Gijs van Oort 2017-6-26
Because it 'packs' a 1.44 Mb Floppy image onto a CD. (it first creates a floppy-bootable image and then burns that on CD).


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