How can I buy Communication & LTE toolboxes by Matlab Student Liscense ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a university assignment about LTE and I need these toolboxes asap, how can I buy and add them to my Matlab 2016 Student Version ?
  1 个评论
Amr Fahmy
Amr Fahmy 2019-5-7
Too bad, because I've just bought a student version and add-ons for 79US$ to use the LTE and WLAN toolboxes. Please add a note to the purchasing page that LTE toolbox is not available for students' license. Amr



Susan Arnold
Susan Arnold 2016-10-23
I have on Friday tried to write the support community through my Matlab main GUI, but I could not complete the task though.

更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-10-23
You can buy the Communication Systems Toolbox through
It is not possible for students to purchase LTE Toolbox. If you have an assignment requiring LTE, you need to obtain MATLAB with LTE through your university.


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