fmincon in for loop
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hello, I am trying to use fmincon inside a for loop such as described in the following code:
for i=1:size(X)
opts = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp');
f= fmincon(@(x)objfun(x,u,l,c),x0,[],[],[],[]...
When i fixe Xd, without using for loop, it run greatly. But with for loop, it generate this error:"Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch".
have you some idea to advise me?
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回答(1 个)
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
it generate this error:"Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch".
You should be giving us more information than this (a copy/paste of the whole error message). MATLAB error messages will tell you specifically which line of code and which command is generating the error.
However, I assume the problem is in this line
If f is a vector, you cannot stick it in a scalar location FF(i). Use FF(i,:) or FF(:,i) or whatever is appropriate to the shape of 'f' and the shape of the FF that you have pre-allocated.
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