Can MATLAB be installed on two computers? Or, how often can a matlab license be transferred between two computers?

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Can MATLAB be installed on two computers? Or, how often can a license be transferred between two computers? For "Home" license? For "Student" license? For a student who needs MATLAB on two machines with often switch between the two. What would be the right license - "Student" or "Home" Thanks

回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-11-7
The wording as of R2016b:
==== begin quote ==== 3.1.2. Designated Computer. The Programs may only be activated and used on a single, physical (not virtual) designated Computer, provided the Programs are only operated from that Computer's console by only one Licensed User at any given time. Licensee may redesignate the Computer for a Program to a different Computer, whether temporarily or not, no more than four (4) times in any twelve (12) month period.
The Student License and Home License each permit the Licensee to use the Programs on one Computer that Licensee owns or leases provided (i) the Programs are only accessible to, and used by, Licensee, and (ii) Licensee has provided machine-specific identification for such Computer through the registration and activation process.
==== end quote ====
If you need to use MATLAB Student or MATLAB Home on two computers, switching back and forth between them, then you are going to need two licenses. Student license are priced lower than Home licenses.

Matt J
Matt J 2016-11-7
编辑:Matt J 2016-11-7
You can activate a standard MATLAB individual user license on up to 4 different machines, see
Unfortunately, the documentation there doesn't say how many machines a student or home license can be activated on - a question for the sales dept. probably.


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