I dont know why my code does not work... Can anybody help me?

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I want to read my 'Rainflow_Data_Limits_Settings.txt' file in matlab. Everything works except: diagramlimits
My diagramlimits2 diagramlimits3 have the same values -> Why? Thank you for your help. Here is my code:
clear all %löscht alle Variablen
clear clc %löscht den Bildschirm
diagramoptions = [];
diagramlimits = [];
inputdata = [];
diagramoptions2 = [];
diagramlimits2 = [];
inputdata2 = [];
diagramoptions3 = [];
diagramlimits3 = [];
inputdata3 = [];
%liest mein Textfile ein.
wholecontent = fileread('Rainflow_Data_Limits_Settings.txt')
sections = regexp(wholecontent, '\*+([^*]+)\*+([^*]+)', 'tokens')
for section = sections
switch(strtrim(section{1}{1}))%newTxt = strtrim(txt) entfernt führende und nachfolgende Leerzeichen Zeichen von txt und gibt das Ergebnis als newTxtzurück. strtrim wird jedoch nicht signifikanten Leerzeichen entfernt. Zum Beispiel strtrim entfernt führende und nachfolgende Leerzeichen und Tabulatorzeichen, aber beseitigt nicht das geschützte Leerzeichen, char(160).
case 'Diagram Options' %Diagram Options -> siehe meine Gliederung im .txt file
keyvalues = regexp(section{1}{2}, '([^\n\r=]+)=([^\n\r=]+)', 'tokens')%\n -> new line; \r carriage return
diagramoptions = cell2table(vertcat(keyvalues{:}), 'VariableNames', {'Key', 'Value'})
case 'Diagram Limits'
header = strsplit(regexp(section{1}{2}, '[^\n\r]*', 'match', 'once'))
content = textscan(section{1}{2}, repmat('%f', 1, numel(header)), 'HeaderLines', 2)
diagramlimits = table(content{:}, 'VariableNames', header)
case 'Input Data'
inputdata = cell2mat(textscan(section{1}{2}, '%f%f%f', 'HeaderLines', 1))%dh: ich habe 1 Headerline zur besseren übersicht
case 'Diagram Options2' %Diagram Options -> siehe meine Gliederung im .txt file
keyvalues2 = regexp(section{1}{2}, '([^\n\r=]+)=([^\n\r=]+)', 'tokens')%\n -> new line; \r carriage return
diagramoptions2 = cell2table(vertcat(keyvalues2{:}), 'VariableNames', {'Key', 'Value'})
case 'Diagram Limits2'
header2 = strsplit(regexp(section{1}{2}, '[^\n\r]*', 'match', 'once'))
content2 = textscan(section{1}{2}, repmat('%f', 1, numel(header2)), 'HeaderLines', 2)
diagramlimits2 = table(content{:}, 'VariableNames', header2)
case 'Input Data2'
inputdata2 = cell2mat(textscan(section{1}{2}, '%f%f%f', 'HeaderLines', 1))%dh: ich habe 1 Headerline zur besseren übersicht
case 'Diagram Options3' %Diagram Options -> siehe meine Gliederung im .txt file
keyvalues3 = regexp(section{1}{2}, '([^\n\r=]+)=([^\n\r=]+)', 'tokens')%\n -> new line; \r carriage return
diagramoptions3 = cell2table(vertcat(keyvalues3{:}), 'VariableNames', {'Key', 'Value'})
case 'Diagram Limits3'
header3 = strsplit(regexp(section{1}{2}, '[^\n\r]*', 'match', 'once'))
content3 = textscan(section{1}{2}, repmat('%f', 1, numel(header3)), 'HeaderLines', 2)
diagramlimits3 = table(content{:}, 'VariableNames', header3)
case 'Input Data3'
inputdata3 = cell2mat(textscan(section{1}{2}, '%f%f%f', 'HeaderLines', 1))%dh: ich habe 1 Headerline zur besseren übersicht
warning('Unknown section: %s', section{1}{1})
%öffnet die output fenster
openvar diagramoptions
openvar diagramlimits
openvar inputdata
openvar diagramoptions2
openvar diagramlimits2
openvar inputdata2
openvar diagramoptions3
openvar diagramlimits3
openvar inputdata3
  1 个评论
dpb 2016-11-16
Dunno, but I'd suggest using debugger and set breakpoint on the two sections in question and see what seems to go wrong...you can probably figure out the problem faster than somebody totally unfamiliar with the dataset can..



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-11-16
diagramlimits2 is using content instead of content2. To fix:
diagramlimits2 = table(content2{:}, 'VariableNames', header2)
same for diagramlimits3:
diagramlimits2 = table(content3{:}, 'VariableNames', header2)

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