Can't solve integrate with unknown value

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Im doing calculations in isothermal reactors and need to solve an integral with an unknown value (xa):
My code:
fun = @(xa) ( 1 / (k * CA0^2 * (1 - xa)^2 )
solve ( t == CA0 * integral(fun , 0 , xa ) , xa )
Where t is known, CA0 is known , k is known and xa is my unknown
If I solve by hand I get the right equation:
xa = k*CA0*t / (1 + k*CA0*t)
And can easy find my xa, it is not possible to find the right xa with my code.
Can you get: xa = k*CA0*t / (1 + k*CA0*t) from Matlab or an equation similar, which can find my xa?
CA0 = 2500, t = 13.57 and k = 1.40 * 10^-4
the xa should be 0.826


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-11-22
syms k CA0 xa t XA
fun = 1 / (k * CA0^2 * (1 - xa)^2 )
sol = solve(t == int(fun,xa,0,XA), XA, 'ReturnConditions',true)
provided that sol.conditions is true
  8 个评论
Karan Gill
Karan Gill 2016-11-23
Frank, regarding "ReturnConditions", did you try looking up the documentation for solve at ?
Frank Hansper
Frank Hansper 2016-11-24
Yes and I must say, I had a brain fart - I thought Matlab would return the solution with ''it's'' conditions of the solution. ex. Matlab returns what it uses symbolic and what is uses numeric. So I found it unnecessary at first.


更多回答(1 个)

Torsten 2016-11-22
Use "int" instead of "integral" for symbolic calculations.
Best wishes

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