Matlab function

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Shalini 2012-3-7
I'm relatively new to Matlab
I need to carry out the following task and I'm just partially done.I'd be happy if someone can help me as stated;
Task I'm doing is;
1) I have 2 functions A and B 2)Function A does some calculations. 3)After doing those calculations function A calls B- no arguments given to B 4)At this point Function B should prompt the user for some inputs 5)The user should enter the inputs through the coommand window 6)The user inputs are returned from function B to function A
Can anyone please advice how to carry out steps 4,5,6? Please help.
  2 个评论
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2012-3-7
Shalini 2012-3-7
Sorry, but I was just trying to ask how to prompt the user for input values in step 4. I did see the video for matlab programming but couldn't get this..anyways, will ebgrateful if helped


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-3-7
There is a function called input(). Try that.
From its help:
reply = input('Do you want more? Y/N [Y]: ', 's');
if isempty(reply)
reply = 'Y';
  6 个评论
Shalini 2012-3-7
Thanks a lot, will try in next 4 hours (I do not have Matlab where I'm working now).
Can the user input a vector as well?
I would guess yes, right?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-3-7
Stangely, no. You have to do it like this:
% Ask user for several numbers, b
string_b = input('Enter the several numbers ', 's')
double_b = str2num(string_b)
% Multiply the two.
c = a * double_b



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