Autoencoder EncoderWeights and DecoderWeights

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
The autoencoder takes,
as argument, but my question is how can I retrieve EncoderWeights, EncoderBias, DecoderWeights and DecoderBias in each epoch. Say for example, the
will start its computation for epoch = 1, 2, 3,..., 50 so once it does for 1st epoch I want the weights to be retrieved in a matrix. How can I do this.
I tried doing this,
for i = 1:50
autoenc = trainAutoencoder(testData,100,'MaxEpochs',i,...
EncoderWeights = autoenc.EncoderWeights
and so and so forth...
but this doesn't seem to be a viable solution.
Can someone help!

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