Is it possible do make a page break in live scripts?

74 次查看(过去 30 天)
As mentioned above i want to know if there is a way to make a page break manually in live scripts. This is important when you ant to export it as an PDf file.
  3 个评论
Thomas Blank
Thomas Blank 2020-5-23
Dear Matlab Team,
I also would like to ask you for the page brak feature.
I'm actually working for the first time with the live script feature to prepare a tutorial.
After only 1 hour of working time I found that this feature is missing.
Boris Adum
Boris Adum 2021-5-17
You could create a word file, as an intermidiate step, and insert page brakes before creating a PDF.



mizuki 2016-12-1
Live script is the similar format with MATLAB documentation. The features are limited, so that the users can make reports easily. Currently, there is no feature to add page break manually.
  6 个评论
Nalini R
Nalini R 2024-8-1
I would also like to add to the request for some options like Margins which is a basic need in any document.
Sauli Laine
Sauli Laine 2024-12-1,9:06
+1 on the request. The editor already has all the other features I'd need, but chapter headings are currently appearing at the bottom of the previous page...


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