Not sure if this is what you want, but just pass them in:
dX = -13.925*A*B*C*x + f(t,A,B,C);
function fval = f(t,A,B,C)
If you want to pass them in from upstream of the ode45 call, then:
A = log(2);
B = log(3);
C = 1;
DEABC = @(t,x) DE(t,x,A,B,C);
[T,X] = ode45(DEABC, tspan, x0);
function dX = DE(t,x,A,B,C)
dX = -13.925*A*B*C*x + f(t,A,B,C);
function fval = f(t,A,B,C)