Morning all,
I have two csv textfiles, each of which are over 1GB in size and contain millions of rows of data.
I would like to loop over reading the textfile and extracting relevant information based on the value of some variable in the textfile, something like:
var1 = 1:5;
var2 = 1:20;
dataStore = datastore('test.csv','ReadVariableNames',true);
for i = 1:length(var1)
thisVar1 = var1(i);
for j = 1:length(var2)
thisVar2 = var2(j);
thisData = table;
while hasdata(dataStore)
dataChunk = read(dataStore);
thisData = [thisData
dataChunk((dataChunk.var1 == thisVar1 & dataChunk.var2 == thisvar2),:)];
This code implementation does work, but it takes an age to run and I really don't have that sort of time to sit around waiting. Can anyone help me with more efficient code or more efficient tools?
Many thanks