Is it possible to convert a duration array to something else like a number or string?

96 次查看(过去 30 天)
When finding the difference between two datetime scalars the result is a duration array. And i need it to be a double or a string.


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016-12-19
编辑:Steven Lord 2019-1-13
If you convert the duration to a double, what should it represent? The number of years, days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds that duration represents? See the functions that have those names on the documentation page to which I linked.
[Edited to update broken link.]
  2 个评论
Bob Hay
Bob Hay 2019-1-13
where is the link you refer to "See the functions that have those names on the documentation page to which I linked." the link retuns page not found I need the answer, how to convert duration back to datenum double. assume I'm using a 1x1 duration
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2019-1-13
The link broke. I updated it to point to the page listing the functions you can use to create or manipulate a datetime or duration array. See the links to the years, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds documentation pages on that page.


更多回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-12-19
You can apply char() to a duration object. You can set the Format property of the duration object before using char()

Mohammad Kifayath Chowdhury
This could be useful,
Tx=hours(Tx); This will give the hours value as double.


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