why i always getting input undefined

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i had code my code like this
a1 = input(1);
b0 = input(2);
a2 = input(3);
b1 = input(4);
d = input(5);
% check inputs
if (d<1)
disp('ba2.m: Input parameter d (dead time) must be greater or equal 1');
disp(' parameter value has been changed to 1');
d = 1;
d = round(d);
if (b0==0)
b0 = b1;
b1 = 0;
d = d+1;
d = max([round(d)],1);
%compute the controller parameters
gama = b1/b0;
if ((gama <= 0) | (gama == 1))
ki = 1/(2*d-1);
%use serial filter 1/(1 + gama*z^-1)
p1 = -1+gama;
p2 = -gama;
else %gama>0
ki = 1/(2*d*(1+gama)*(1-gama));
p1 = -1;
p2 = 0;
qp=[q0; q1; q2; p1; p2];
and always getting error
??? Input argument "input" is undefined.
Error in ==> ba2 at 31
a1 = input;
please can anyone give me idea about this thx

回答(1 个)

David Barry
David Barry 2016-12-19
It's because you are not using the input function correctly. Either that or you didn't realise input is a MATLAB function, in which case you should rename your variable.
a1 = input('Please enter your input for a1:');


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