Design a third order low pass butterworth filter

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to design a 3rd order butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency 160 rad/s. The input signal is a square wave with magnitude of +-1V. and fundemental frequency of 130 rad/s. I must use butter(N,Wn,'s') command. And i have to find the magnitude and phase spectra of the filter.
  10 个评论
Group 1
Group 1 2016-12-22
Can i compute it without sampling frequency? all the examples mention it. but its not given in the question
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016-12-22
You can compute the Fourier transform without the sampling frequency. The results will not provide you with any information with respect to frequency.


回答(1 个)

David Barry
David Barry 2016-12-20
Read the doc and follow one of the very similar examples. If you are still stuck after that then upload your code and specific question.
  4 个评论



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