SURF points in the video?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
muhammad faiz
muhammad faiz 2016-12-22
How do i plot SURF points in the video? i need to visually look at the points by frame. please help
  2 个评论
KSSV 2016-12-22
Can you give more explanation on what you want to do?
muhammad faiz
muhammad faiz 2016-12-22
Basically, i would like to do a detection by SURF method in real time and i'm using 'imaq.VideoDevice' to do some real recording.
In every image frame of the real time video, i need to plot the SURF points in every frame.
should i use 'Imshow(image); hold on; and Plot the points in every frame?
or are there any efficient method?
*this is my code*
vidDevice = imaq.VideoDevice('winvideo',1); videoPlayerIn = vision.VideoPlayer;
%% nFrames = 1; while (nFrames<400) rgbData = step(vidDevice); greyimage=rgb2gray(rgbData); points = detectSURFFeatures(greyimage); imshow(greyimage);hold on; strongestPoints = points.selectStrongest(10); strongestPoints.plot('ShowScale',true);
nFrames = nFrames + 1;


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