Order of instantiation & Events

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Say I have a class A which has an Event "event1" which class B needs to listen for. I want class B to also be a property of class A, ie. I can instantiate obj = A(B). Ideally, in this process B would be set to listen for "event1" from A, but since Matlab builds B first, it does not know anything about A, and thus it has to be done effectively during the instantiation of A. The more complicated version is A(B(C)), where once again C needs to listen for "event1" in A, but is a property of B, which is a property of A.
In a nutshell I have an object A which is supplying the base data to a process which can involve anywhere from one to multiple filters, which is acted on and ultimately passed back to A... so the initial data needs to go to the bottom filter... the filters are defined by classes, in order to be portable and used in different situations..
The question, is there an efficient way to either define the classes or to instantiate the classes that would allow me to have the inner most nested class listen to the Event "event1" in the outer class without having to build a bunch of conditionals in the outer class instantiation function.
  9 个评论
Adam 2017-1-6
I'm not sure I get what is happening with the recursive children here. Each one has the same copy of updated data and each one will multiply it by 0.5.
But what is the expected result of all this if, for example, there are 3 nested children. As it stands you will just get the result of the top-most child, but the result of all child objects will be the same anyway as they are all acting on the same data.
I assumed the intention was for them to act upon each other's results back up the chain, but this doesn't seem to be the setup you have because the 'data' field is just the same data being passed to each child.
If the child objects are to act upon the result of the next one down the chain then the 'data' of children higher up the chain needs to be the result of obj.child.output, which will then get multiplied by 0.5.
If this is the case then the final result you want will be in the child immediately below the parent object and would be the result of effectively, e.g 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * data rather than just 0.5 * data.
Jeff Waldron
Jeff Waldron 2017-1-6
That is what is happening Adam... the 'data' into each child is the output of the one above... they are not getting the same original data.



Guillaume 2017-1-6
编辑:Guillaume 2017-1-6
I really don't understand the point of objects listening to their own events. Why not invoke the dataupdate method of the child directly in the feeddata method?
With the current design, the child class has two roles: - filter the data, - incomplete management of a singly linked list, with dispatch to elements. While this is a possible design, I can't help but feel that the two should be handled by separate classes. This is the design I would adopt:
classdef DataProvider < handle %your original outerclass.
function this = DataProvider(data, filtermanager)
this.data = data;
this.child = child;
function filtereddata = feedData(this)
filtereddata = this.filtermanager.filterdata(this.data);
classdef FilterManager < handle %container for filters. Can be implemented as singly-linked list, doubly-linked list, vector of matlab.mixin.heterogeneous, or a plain cell array
properties (SetAccess = private)
filters = {};
function addfilter(this, filter)
assert(isa(filter, 'Filter'), 'Only object derived from Filter class can be added);
filters = [this.filters, filter];
%other methods to manage removals, ordering, etc. of filters
methods (Access = ?DataProvider)
function filtereddata = filterdata(this, data)
filtereddata = data;
for filter = this.filters
filtereddata = filter{1}.filterdata(filtereddata);
classdef Filter < abstract
methods (Abstract, Access = ?FilterManager)
function filtereddata = filterdata(data);
and an example filter:
classdef RatioFilter < Filter;
function this = RatioFilter(ratio);
validateattributes(ratio, {'numeric'}, {'scalar'});
this.ratio = ratio;
methods (Access = ?FilterManager)
function filtereddata = filterdata(data)
filtereddata = data * this.ratio
  2 个评论
Jeff Waldron
Jeff Waldron 2017-1-6
That is a huge help... my programming background is light, and my OOP background even lighter... so thank you for providing that guidance. That makes perfect sense.
Guillaume 2017-1-6
I forgot to say, the advantage of decoupling the classes is that, with the above, you can at any time change which filter are applied to the data without having to tell neither the outerclass, nor the individual filters. This all handled by just one class, the FilterManager.


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