Plotting electric field at many points in 3D space.

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Let me first say that I am aware of surf and plot3 functions, neither of which seem to help me in this scenario:
I have to plot the electric field at many points in 3D space. So I have three vectors x, y and z that indicate positions and a vector Ez that indicates the strength of electric field at each point (x,y,z). If x is a 100 X 1 vector, so are y, z and Ez. Basically I need to plot the function Ez(x,y,z). I have four vector inputs.
Eg: (Values are just random)
x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, Ez = 100.
x = 0, y = 2, z = 0, Ez = 10.
x = 0, y = 4, z = 0, Ez = 1.
x = 2, y = 2, z = 0, Ez = 1.
How can I plot this?


halleyhit 2017-1-8
Maybe the function quiver3 may help you. However I haven't use this function so long time. I'm not sure if it works.

更多回答(2 个)

To Nhat
To Nhat 2017-2-6
Can you give me your code, please?
  1 个评论
Abhay Mohan
Abhay Mohan 2020-3-7
I ended up using the surf function for my purposed and keeping z=0 always. Since z=0, I didn't really need to plot the z axis. So I just did an intensity plot using surf.


Abhay Mohan
Abhay Mohan 2020-3-7
This is for the benefit of the member who messaged me regarding this question. I ended up using the surf function for my purposed and keeping z=0 always. Since z=0, I didn't really need to plot the z axis. So I just did an intensity plot using surf.


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