How can I split a string and assign new values to the strings?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
If if want to change the string
Into a new string with the values
How do I do that?


Guillaume 2017-1-9
编辑:Guillaume 2017-1-9
This is even simpler, using the newly introduced replace (R2016b):
natoLookup = {'h','Hotel-';
replace(lower('Hello'), natoLookup(:, 1), natoLookup(:, 2))

更多回答(2 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2017-1-9
编辑:the cyclist 2017-1-9
Here is one way:
natoLookup = {'h','Hotel-';
str = 'Hello';
newstr = '';
for nc = 1:numel(str)
[tf,loc] = ismember(lower(str(nc)),natoLookup(:,1));
newstr = [newstr,natoLookup{loc,2}];
% Trim the excess hyphen
newstr(end) = [];
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-1-9
If you modify natoLookup to include every character you want to replace (the whole alphabet plus symbols) and change str to be whatever word you want to operate on, then it will be completely general.
the cyclist
the cyclist 2017-1-9
As @ImageAnalyst states, it will be general after you generalize the lookup table.
One other quick comment: If you are planning to use this with very long text, it would be best to modify this code to preallocate memory for newstr. The current algorithm will manage memory poorly.


Stephen23 2017-1-9
编辑:Stephen23 2017-1-9
Using indexing means no loops and a very memory-efficient method:
>> str = 'Hello World!';
>> tmp = num2cell(str);
>> idx = isletter(str);
>> C = {'Alpha', 'Bravo', 'Charlie', 'Delta', 'Echo', 'Foxtrot', 'Golf', 'Hotel', 'India', 'Juliet', 'Kilo', 'Lima', 'Mike', 'November', 'Oscar', 'Papa', 'Quebec', 'Romeo', 'Sierra', 'Tango', 'Uniform', 'Victor', 'Whiskey', 'Xray', 'Yankee', 'Zulu'};
>> tmp(idx) = strcat(C(1+upper(str(idx))-'A'),'-');
>> [tmp{:}]
ans = Hotel-Echo-Lima-Lima-Oscar- Whiskey-Oscar-Romeo-Lima-Delta-!
Or with a bit of attention to the hyphens:
>> D = {'','-'};
>> idy = idx & [idx(2:end),false];
>> tmp(idx) = strcat(C(1+upper(str(idx))-'A'),D(1+idy(idx)));
>> [tmp{:}]
ans = Hotel-Echo-Lima-Lima-Oscar Whiskey-Oscar-Romeo-Lima-Delta!


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