How to export (save) an animation video file (as mp4-format)

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clear all;
close all;
count = 1;
%Declaring the balls initial conditions
R_Ball = 2;
initpos.x = 0;
initpos.y = 2.4;
initvel.x = 2;
initvel.y = 4;
gravity.x = 0;
gravity.y = 9.81;
restitution = 0.7;
GroundBall_friction = 0.2;
%Animation timestep
dt = 0.001;
%Executing the animation
pos.x = initpos.x; % initial position
pos.y = initpos.y; % initial position
vel.x = initvel.x; % initial velocity-x
vel.y = initvel.y; % initial velocity-y
t_arc = linspace(0,(2*vel.y)/gravity.y,2000);
for k = 1:2000
%Updating the ball's position
vel.x = vel.x;
vel.y = vel.y - gravity.y*t_arc(k);
pos.x = pos.x + vel.x*t_arc(k);
pos.y = pos.y + vel.y*t_arc(k) - (1/2)*gravity.y*(t_arc(k).^2);
if vel.y < 0 && pos.y < 0
vel.y = (-1)*(restitution)*vel.y;
vel.x = vel.x + GroundBall_friction*(restitution - 1)*vel.x;
pos.y = max(0, pos.y);
%Drawing the frame
hold on
line([0 30],[0 0]);
rectangle('position', [pos.x pos.y R_Ball R_Ball],'Curvature',[1 1],'FaceColor','r');
posxx(count) = pos.x;
posyy(count) = pos.y;
plot(posxx + 1/2*R_Ball, posyy + 1/2*R_Ball,'b');
axis([0 30 0 10]);
hold off
hold on
velyy(count) = vel.y;
velxx(count) = vel.x;
count = count+1;
hold off
axis([0 30 -10 10]);
%Refresh rate
This is my code, I want to export(save) it in an MP4 format so I can play the video for a presentation. I'm unaware how to do so, any help is appreciated.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-2-12
编辑:Image Analyst 2021-7-17
See my attached demo. It converts a movie from .avi format to .mp4 format. Another attached demo makes a movie from an axes (showing a surface created by surf). The third demo shows how to create a movie from individual still frame images saved in files on disk.
  6 个评论
Jerome Blaha
Jerome Blaha 2023-6-3
Thank you for very concise and well written code examples, very nice.


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