Getting value of selected string in Popup menu.

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to make a GUI. Depending on the option selected in popup menu 3 the selected operation should be performed on images. However when i am trying to get the value from popupmenu3 I am getting the following error.
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)pr('popupmenu3_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)).
Below is the code for this popupmenu.
function popupmenu3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
contents = get(hObject,'String');
a = contents{get(hObject,'Value')} ;
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function popupmenu3_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to popupmenu3 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called
% Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows.
if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))
When I make a simple GUI with only popupmenus I don't get the error. But when I try to get the value of selected string I am getting error.
  4 个评论
per isakson
per isakson 2017-5-2
编辑:per isakson 2017-5-2
  • You should always show the entire error message.
  • See Debug a MATLAB Program
  • This folder name looks strange to me
127 cd(handles.Dir.Functions_Dir)
K>> handles.Dir.Functions_Dir
ans =
D:\ÎÒµÄÎĵµ\MATLAB\Image Processing\Functions\
Sidra Aleem
Sidra Aleem 2017-5-2
@per isakson I saw the entire message. This name is strange to you because my desktop has Chinese as a language. That's why its appearing strange in your system. I have figured out my issue. I was misplacing some of my folder names.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-2
Your code does not protect against the possibility that there are no subdirectories in the selected directory. There are no prompts as to what the purpose of the selecting a directory is, so you should assume that users might select something with no subdirectories.
Your code should use fullfile() instead of splicing strings together in the line
handles.People(i).Images = ReadFileNames([handles.Dir.Home_Dir '\Inputs\' dirinfo(i,1).name]);
In Browse_Callback you do
foldername = uigetdir('D:\ÎÒµÄÎĵµ\MATLAB\Image Processing','Select folfer');
which is fine in itself, and in pushbutton2_Callback you use handles.fname to refer to the selected directory and you find the sub-directories of that. But then just a few lines further down you use
which assumes that handles.Dir.Functions_Dir is the same as handles.fname . Why bother to have two different variables for the same purpose? Why bother to ask the user what directory to use if you are always going to assume that handles.Dir.Functions_Dir refers to the same place? Or flip that around: if you bothered to ask the user what folder to use (perhaps because they are using a different machine where the folders are in a different location) then why are you are ignoring the user-selected folder name?
You do not need to do the cd() at all. You can use
handles.People(i).Images = ReadFileNames( fullfile(Input_Dir, dirinfo(i,1).name) );
By the way, in ReadFilenames, you should be using fullfile() instead of worrying about NameSeperator . Also, although it is not well known, internally MS Windows uses '/' as its directory separator, using '\' for public presentation. Because the real directory separator is '/' you can just always use '/' if you are going to code directory separators yourself -- but don't do that, use fullfile() instead.
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-4
and later
cd ..
Are we certain that cvv.m is one directory level above Functions_Dir ? Let us look:
handles.Dir.Home_Dir = [handles.Dir.Present_Dir 'cvv\']; % Home Directory
handles.Dir.Functions_Dir = [ handles.Dir.Home_Dir 'Functions\' ]; %Functions Directory
One level above Functions_Dir is going to be Home_Dir, which is a directory named cvv . It is unlikely in MS Windows that you would be using both a directory named cvv and a file named cvv.m in the same directory..
Sidra Aleem
Sidra Aleem 2017-5-4
编辑:Walter Roberson 2017-5-4
@Walter Roberson with your help i figured out that after imwrite() the control went to Output folder. From there I was not moving the control to home directory.
imwrite(images,[ Name ' -FFT_Result.jpg'], 'jpg');
So after this line I did
cd( (handles.Dir.Home_Dir)
And now its working fine. And Thanks for pointing out that .m file and directory files names are same I will change that as well. Thanks for your help.


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