Muhendisleksi - since your arrays seem to concern only numeric data, then they might not be cell arrays which use the curly braces {} to access elements within. For non-cell arrays, you need to use () to access the elements
l(i) = -((K(nokta_ad==BNdog(i),1)-K(nokta_ad==DNdog(i),1) - (dog_olc(nokta_ad==nokta_ad(i),3))))*100
Please confirm that the arrays are non-cell arrays before trying to use the above code. Also, you may want to consider pre-sizing the l array before adding elements to it.
Check your code too - look at the for loop
for i = 1:3*length(DNdog)
i ranges from 1 to three times the length of DNdog. This will be a problem with
when i is greater than length(DNdog) as you will be trying to access elements from this array with an index that is greater than the array size.