6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am just new to simulink. I want to construct the model of a d-class amplifier for audio applications. I need a specific block that can take as input a sinusoidal signal, then compare it with a trianlge signal (as this seems to be a really common method) and then produce a PWM pulse, at the output. Later on, I intend to connect this output to a POWER MOSFET bridge, which works as a really fast switch, in order to get an amplified signal.
Is there any block inside the simulink library that can produce PWM pulses from a sinusoid or even a random audio signal? Has anyone tried something relative to this kind of conversion?
Thank you, forr any ideas or help

回答(1 个)

Sabin 2022-12-19
There are several PWM generators in Simscape Electrical that can be used in simulation.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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