Assuming that your data lives inside someTextFile.txt, that the values in the data set are delimited/separated by tabs (\t) or spaces and that "exectuing" will actually be "executing", the following script formats the data like you showed, then writes this data to newTextFile.txt.
fid = fopen('someTextFile.txt');
inMatlab = textscan(fid,'%*f%f%f%s%f%s','headerlines',1);
% get unique jobnums
uJobs = unique(inMatlab{1});
newRow = cell(length(uJobs)+1,7);
% create header for new text file
newRow(1,:) = ...
% create new rows for new text file
for j = 1:length(uJobs)
isJob = inMatlab{1} == uJobs(j); % which rows belong to this job
isSub = strcmp('submitted',inMatlab{5});% which rows related to submission
isExe = strcmp('executing',inMatlab{5});% which rows related to execution
isTer = strcmp('terminated',inMatlab{5});%which rows related to termination
jobDate = unique(inMatlab{2}(isJob));
% make sure jobDate is indeed unique
assert(isscalar(jobDate),'Same job on two different days?');
% create new row
newRow(j+1,:) = {uJobs(j),...
char(inMatlab{3}(isSub & isJob)),...
char(inMatlab{3}(isExe & isJob)),...
char(inMatlab{3}(isTer & isJob)),...
inMatlab{4}(isSub & isJob),...
inMatlab{4}(isExe & isJob)};
% open new file
fid = fopen('newTextFile.txt','wt');
for j = 2:size(newRow,1)