If each element of the 3D matrix takes one value of 4 discrete values. How can I obtain all possible combinations of this 3D matrix?

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If each element of 3D matrix of dimensions (10,10,2) takes one value from this vector [0 0.625 1.25 2.5] . How can I obtain all possible combinations of this 3D matrix ?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-7
With 4 possible values for each entry, the number of different possibilities would be 4^10 * 4^10 * 4^2, which would be 17592186044416 matrices, which is 2^44 matrices. Each matrix would require 10*10*2 = 200 doubles, and each double would require 8 bytes. The total storage requirements would exceed 2^54 bytes.
Unfortunately for you, no released version of the x64 architecture implements more than 48 address pins. You therefore cannot find any MATLAB system anywhere in the world that is able to access enough memory to construct that table.
This hints that you are working on an optimization problem in which you have been thinking that the best way to proceed is to try every possible combination and select the best. You do not have enough memory or time to do that, no matter how well it works "mathematically". You will need to find a different approach.
For example, you can use https://www.mathworks.com/help/gads/mixed-integer-optimization.html ga with integer constraints. The constraints you would use would be that each entry would be 1 to 4. Then, inside your objective function, instead of directly using the x value, you would use the x value to index into your vector to determine the numeric value to use.
  7 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-7
If you do not have 28 or more gigabytes of available memory in your system, then you cannot create the complete list of combinations, and no algorithm can change the fact that you do not have enough memory to do what you insist on doing.
What you need to change is to not create the complete list of all combinations of the values ahead of time. For example, instead of calculating all of the combinations and then calling some function YourFuntion() on the list of all combinations, you might be able to do:
vector = [0 0.625 1.25 2.5];
T = (uint32(0):uint32(2^14-1)) .';
nT = length(T);
znT = uint8(zeros(nT, 14));
idx = znT;
for K = 1 : 7
idx(:,K) = uint8(1) + uint8(bitget(T, 2*K-1)) + uint8(2) * uint8(bitget(T, 2*K));
suffix_M = vector(idx);
clear idx
for H = T
T1 = uint8(dec2bin(H, 14) - '0');
idx = znT;
for K = 1 : 7
idx(:,K) = uint8(1) + uint8(bitget(T1, 2*K-1)) + uint8(2) * uint8(bitget(T1, 2*K));
prefix_M = vector(idx);
clear idx
this_M_subset = [prefix_M, suffix_M];
these_results = YourFunction(this_M_subset); %calculate results on a batch of M
At this point, store these_results as your partial results.
The best way to do that is going to depend upon what you
are trying to do. For example if you are doing a minimization
then you might only need to find the _best_ of the values
and you might only ever need to store the best you have
encountered so far. But we do not know, as you have not
said what you are going to do with the list of combinations
once you have it.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-5-8
YourFunction = @(V) mean(V); %just an example
vector = [0 0.625 1.25 2.5];
T = (uint32(0):uint32(2^14-1));
nT = length(T);
znT = uint8(zeros(nT, 7));
idx = znT;
for K = 1 : 7
idx(:,K) = uint8(1) + uint8(bitget(T, 2*K-1)) + uint8(2) * uint8(bitget(T, 2*K));
suffix_M = vector(idx);
clear idx
wb = waitbar(0, 'processing');
for T1 = T
waitbar(double(T1)/nT, wb);
idx = znT;
for K = 1 : 7
idx(:,K) = uint8(1) + uint8(bitget(T1, 2*K-1)) + uint8(2) * uint8(bitget(T1, 2*K));
prefix_M = vector(idx);
clear idx
this_M_subset = [prefix_M, suffix_M];
these_results = YourFunction(this_M_subset);


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