I am assuming that you have your MATLAB code in a function called ‘func1’. Additionally, you have a MATLAB class ‘pmdiagramsignature’ being accessed by ‘func1’. You are trying to compile ‘func1’ into Java library, that results in a JAR file (let’s call it test.jar) containing the main class ‘Class1’. ‘GUI_Class’ is the driver class used to call the library test.jar.
To access methods present in ‘pmdiagramsignature’ from ‘GUI_Class’, instantiate ‘pmdiagramsignature’ in ‘func1’ and call required methods.
If you are not looking for a workflow like above, to suggest an alternate solution, explain your intended workflow along with the details of what ‘pmdiagramsignature’ class is and how it is called in the MATLAB function (which is being compiled).