xlsread and isnan use?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Daniel 2011-3-17
I'm a student currently working on a MatLab project that requires me to use xlsread to read an xls file that contains a random number of students (rows) and 16 columns (grades of homework/projects/exams/etc) and I am required analyze each students' data (one by one), keep track of each total, and ignore the data that doesn't exist using isnan. The problem is I don't know how I can use isnan and ignore the values that don't exist without changing the values that are 1 to 0. Also, we aren't allowed to use the nansum/nanprod functions either. If this doesn't make much sense, my professor provided an algorithm pseudocode which makes more sense than what I posted up there. Here it is:
% Import Data into MatLab
% type in help xlsread to see how to use this function
% you will need to know how many times you want to repeat the analysis
% run a loop, on each iteration, analyze the data of a SINGLE student
% keep track of the totals for each group of assignment (i.e. PSs, PROJs,...)
% When adding up items, make sure you neglect those that are NaN - find
% them and don't use them - use isnan

回答(1 个)

Laura Proctor
Laura Proctor 2011-3-17
Although using a FOR loop isn't the most effective method, since you can't use nansum, something like this may work:
% set-up some data
n = 5;
grades = randn(n,16);
grades(randi(n,1,3),randi(16,1,4)) = NaN;
finalScore = zeros(n,1);
for idx = 1:n
tempGrades = grades(idx,~isnan(grades(idx,:)));
finalScore(idx,1) = sum(tempGrades);
The end result is a column vector containing the point totals for each student.
You can use XLSREAD to read in the data from the file like this
data = xlsread('filename.xls');
and then find the dimensions of the data matrix:
[nr nc] = size(data);
and you can then substitute in nr (the number of rows) for n in the above code. As you said before, nc should always be 16, so you don't necessarily need to use this.
  4 个评论
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011-3-18
Use xlsread to import the numeric data into a matrix, then use the size function to determine the number of rows (n). Then do what Laura said, starting at the line "finalScore = ... " (the lines above that were just to create some example data).
If all you're going to do with the data is sum, then a neat solution is to replace all the NaNs with 0. This can be done in one line with logical indexing. Because I can't in good conscience do your project for you, I'll just show something very similar, and let you work out how to apply it, bearing in mind that isnan is probably useful...
x = randi(10,5)
x(x>6) = -3
Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011-3-18
Wow, I type slowly, I guess. Anyway, to clarify: if you set all the NaNs to zero with logical indexing, then you don't need to do any further testing later - just sum away. Otherwise, do what Laura suggested.



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