This can be achieved by using Low-Level File I/O functions like fopen,fgetl etc. I am creating a small script that can be used as a reference.
% open the file for reading
f = fopen('filename');
time = {};
values = [];
k = 1;
% The idea is to keep reading lines till the end of file is reached
% The lines are grouped in three line groups: firs line date, second line
% value and blank line to be skipped.
while ~feof(f)
% read the first line
line = fgetl(f);
% add it to the cell-array
time{k} = line;
% read the second line containing the value
line = fgetl(f);
% add it to the matrix
values(k) = str2num(line);
% skip the blank line
line = fgetl(f);
k = k + 1;
% convert cell-array to datetime array
time = datetime(time,'InputFormat','MM/dd/uuuu HH:mm');
% plotting
% close the file
I hope this helps.