parfor - Attempt to serialize data which is too large
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I'm working on a large data set that is is stored as a cell array X, where each cell contains an array of about 2MB, totaling 1GB. I'm running it in parallel on 50 cores that are each on separate nodes. I get the error "Attempt to serialize data which is too large" when I try to run the whole array . When I run a small array X I don't get the error. I check on the nodes and there's plenty of memory left, it seems the bottleneck is data transmission
I'm using the following code
Y1= cell(1,N1);
Y2 = cell(1,N1);
parfor i = 1:N1
XX = X{i};
Np = size(XX,1);
Y1_temp = zeros(400, Np-1);
Y2_temp = zeros(400, Np-1);
for j= 1:(Np-1)
Y1_temp(:,j) = someFunction;
Y2_temp(:,j) = someOtherFunction;
Y1{i} = Y1_temp;
Y2{i} = Y2_temp;
I don't understand why this is, has anyone ever got this error? I couln't find anything online. I also tried writing it as an spmd block where I operate on the local worker data but I get the same error. Any help will be very appreciated.
Regards Germán
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Edric Ellis
The 2GB PARFOR transmission limitation was removed from Parallel Computing Toolbox in R2013a.
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更多回答(2 个)
Konrad Malkowski
There is a 2GB transmission limit between client and workers. Could you provide me with additional values for Np, N1, Nt, etc so that I have a better picture of which variables are causing the problem?
I have the same problem. I think it is a common problem, but I couldn't find a solution for this. If it is the 2GB transmission limit, then how can we get around this then?
2 个评论
Edric Ellis
The 2GB PARFOR transmission limitation was removed from Parallel Computing Toolbox in R2013a.
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