how to use find command to find numbers?
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so say if i have
and i want to find which position the number 5 is.
so i tried to use
position = find (a,5)
but it gives me back a whole bunch of numbers. so how do i use the find command? thanks
0 个评论
the cyclist
You want
position = find(a==5);
Your example is maybe not the best, since the position and the value are the same in every case, but just to be clear on what you mean:
x = [2 5 7 4 3];
position = find(x==5)
will return position = 2, because 5 is in the 2nd position in x.
FYI, in the syntax you used in your example, MATLAB was returning the positions of the first 5 non-zero entries of a.
2 个评论
the cyclist
(You might want to open a new question, rather than commenting on a 4-year-old question.)
First you need to load the data from Excel. You can do this with the xlsread command. Then you can use find as described here.
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