I plotted a graph from data I got from simulations, however the challenge I am having is that some data points are on the Y and X axis. I have tried using Log & semilogx but its giving me -ve values. I need +ve values. How can I resolve this pls?

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I plotted a graph from data I got from simulations, however the challenge I am having is that some data points are on the Y and X axis. I have tried using Log scale & semilogx but its giving me -ve values. I am working on flow rates hence I need to have positive values for flow rates not negative.

回答(1 个)

Dimitris Iliou
Dimitris Iliou 2017-6-15
Since you have data that I am assuming are expressed geometrically, you might have to use a logarithmic scale.
A negative value on the logarithmic scale does not mean that the value is negative.
For example,
ans =
Since you mentioned that you have data on (or close to) the X,Y axis, I think it is natural to encounter negative numbers since you would have to use a logarithmic scale.


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