Offset signals on same axis

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Matt 2017-6-14
I am currently trying to create a signal process map but I cannot find out how to offset the signals. I'm not bothered about the Y axis values as all I need to see is the rise and fall of the signals. So far I have managed to plot all the signals on the same graph (see below). However, as you can see, it's a jumbled mess. I'm trying to separate them all out so I can see each signal individually but with the same time reference.
The data for the figure below is from a table containing just the signals I want to plot.
Any help would be much appreciated.

回答(1 个)

Yu-Tung Lin
Yu-Tung Lin 2017-7-12
My understanding to this question is that you want to have separate figures for each signal, and they are shown within the same time frame.
You can set a limit to the x axis for every figures.
For example, after your plot function, do the following code to set limit on x axis from 0 to 10.
xlim([0 10])
Please see reference1 to add limits for axis OR reference2 to add limits specific to x axis.


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