How do I plot a grid 1x30 grid over a line of length 300 px and whose coordinates I know?

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I have an image of dimensions 496x496. I have also plotted a line with x,y coordinates [95, 155] and [400, 170]. My goal is to plot every 10th pixel of this line as a sample point (so now I have 30 sample points, the length of the line being 305). I am also trying to construct a 1x30 grid around these sample points for reference. How do I proceed with this?


Mudambi Srivatsa
Mudambi Srivatsa 2017-6-28
One way to plot a grid is turning on the MATLAB plot grid and editing the placement using axes ticks as follows:
x = rand(50,1);
y = rand(50,1);
grid on
yticks([0 0.5 0.8 1])
You can specify the axes ticks that pass through your sample points.

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