How to draw an arrow using non normalized coordinates?

227 次查看(过去 30 天)
I use: annotation('arrow',X,Y), and I tried to change units, but it is always normalized. How to use data units?
  4 个评论
Mr M.
Mr M. 2017-6-28
yes, but I cannot figure out how to use non-normalized units with annotation('arrow')
Kaluri 2024-5-23
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-11-15
Yes using normalised coordinated is a big problems. For cartesion frame work we have ds2nfu.m is available and works good but I struggled to solve this for polarplot(theta,rho) not polar(theta,rho). Aspect ratio is a problem. Please use this code below. I have modified the original code.
clc; clear all;
% Dr Kaluri V Ranga Rao life senior member IEEE princeton
close all;
theta = linspace(0,360,180);
max = 1;
r = linspace(max,0.2,180);
s = 60; e = 20;
ra = [r(s) r(e)];
th = [theta(s) theta(e)];
h = polarplot(theta*pi/180,r,'.-r',th*pi/180,ra,'ob');
for k=1:180
[xaf,yaf] = polarDS2nfu([theta(k) theta(k)]*pi/180,[r(k)*0.5 r(k)]);
hT = annotation('arrow',xaf,yaf);
% Michelle Hirsch
% Copyright 2006-2014 The MathWorks, Inc
% updated for polar
%I modified this and works well for polarplot
function varargout = polarDS2nfu(varargin)
% polarDS2NFU Convert data space polar units into normalized figure units.
% [Xf, Yf] = DS2NFU(X, Y) converts X,Y are theta,r polar coordinates from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes. This is
% useful as input for ANNOTATION.
% POSf = DS2NFU(POS) converts 4-element position vector, POS from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes. The
% position vector has the form [Xo Yo Width Height], as defined here:
% web(['jar:file:D:/Applications/MATLAB/R2006a/help/techdoc/' ...
% 'help.jar!/creating_plots/axes_pr4.html'], '-helpbrowser')
% [Xf, Yf] = DS2NFU(HAX, X, Y) converts X,Y coordinates from
% data space to normalized figure units, on specified axes HAX.
% POSf = DS2NFU(HAX, POS) converts 4-element position vector, POS from
% data space to normalized figure units, using the current axes.
% Ex.
% % Create some data
% t = 0:.1:4*pi;
% s = sin(t);
% % Add an annotation requiring (x,y) coordinate vectors
% plot(t,s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% xa = [1.6 2]*pi;
% ya = [0 0];
% [xaf,yaf] = ds2nfu(xa,ya);
% annotation('arrow',xaf,yaf)
% % Add an annotation requiring a position vector
% pose = [4*pi/2 .9 pi .2];
% posef = ds2nfu(pose);
% annotation('ellipse',posef)
% % Add annotations on a figure with multiple axes
% figure;
% hAx1 = subplot(211);
% plot(t,s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% hAx2 = subplot(212);
% plot(t,-s);ylim([-1.2 1.2])
% [xaf,yaf] = ds2nfu(hAx1,xa,ya);
% annotation('arrow',xaf,yaf)
% pose = [4*pi/2 -1.1 pi .2];
% posef = ds2nfu(hAx2,pose);
% annotation('ellipse',posef)
%% Process inputs
error(nargchk(1, 3, nargin))
aspectRatio = 1.15;
XaspectRatio = 0.69;
% Determine if axes handle is specified
if length(varargin{1})== 1 && ishandle(varargin{1}) && strcmp(get(varargin{1},'type'),'axes')
hAx = varargin{1};
varargin = varargin(2:end);
hAx = gca;
errmsg = ['Invalid input. Coordinates must be specified as 1 four-element \n' ...
'position vector or 2 equal length (x,y) vectors.'];
% Proceed with remaining inputs
if length(varargin)==1 % Must be 4 elt POS vector
pos = varargin{1};
if length(pos) ~=4,
[th,r] = deal(varargin{:});
[x y] = pol2cart([th(1) th(2)],[r(1) r(2)]*aspectRatio);
x = x*XaspectRatio;
if length(x) ~= length(y)
%% Get limits
axun = get(hAx,'Units');
axpos = get(hAx,'Position');
ax = axis(hAx);
axlim =[-ax(4) ax(4) -ax(4)*aspectRatio ax(4)*aspectRatio];
axwidth = diff(axlim(1:2));
axheight = diff(axlim(3:4));
%% Transform data
if exist('x','var')
varargout{1} = (x-axlim(1))*axpos(3)/axwidth + axpos(1);
varargout{2} = (y-axlim(3))*axpos(4)/axheight + axpos(2);
pos(1) = (pos(1)-axlim(1))/axwidth*axpos(3) + axpos(1);
pos(2) = (pos(2)-axlim(3))/axheight*axpos(4) + axpos(2);
pos(3) = pos(3)*axpos(3)/axwidth;
pos(4) = pos(4)*axpos(4)/axheight;
varargout{1} = pos;
%% Restore axes units


回答(9 个)

KarlHoff 2020-6-26
编辑:KarlHoff 2020-8-7
For me, using MATLAB R2018b,
the following works to produce an arrow at a location specified in data coordinates:
anArrow = annotation('arrow') ;
anArrow.Parent = gca; % or any other existing axes or figure
%EDIT thanks to @Moshe:
%anArrow.Position = [x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end] ;
anArrow.Position = [x_start, y_start, delta_x, delta_y] ;
The big advantage is that the arrow remains where it is with respect to other plot elements, even if the limits of the plot change afterwards.
This is not the case with all the approaches that convert data coordinates into other Units (Pixels, Inches, Normalized)
  4 个评论
Jonas Junker
Jonas Junker 2024-11-25
Thank you very much for this explanations. I have been fighting with annotating arrows for hours!


Create the 'annotation' object for each subplot and edit their properties using dot notation.
For the X and Y properties you use similar values as your graph cordinates. The x-end and y_end are the tip of the arrow.
Below is a tested sample code
%Create sample data
x = linspace(0,2*pi,1e3);
y = sin(x); % Plotted of first subplot
z = cos(x); % Plotted of second subplot
% Specify different textarrows for different subplots
%%%**************** SUBPLOT 1 ********************
ylim([-1.1 1.1])
% Define X-Beginning and ending x-coordinates
x_start =pi-1;x_end = pi;
%Y- Beginning and ending y-coordinates
y_start =sin(x_end);y_end = sin(x_end);
anArrow = annotation('textarrow');
anArrow.Parent = gca;
anArrow.X = [x_start,x_end]; % set the x-property
anArrow.Y = [y_start ,y_end];
anArrow.String = 'sin(\pi)';
anArrow.Color = 'red';
%%%**************** SUBPLOT 2 ********************
ylabel('Amplitude ')
ylim([-1.1 1.1])
% Define X-Beginning and ending x-coordinates
x_start =1.5*pi-1;x_end = 1.5*pi;
%Y- Beginning and ending y-coordinates
y_start =cos(x_end);y_end = cos(x_end);
anArrow = annotation('textarrow');
anArrow.Parent = gca;
anArrow.X = [x_start,x_end]; % set the x-property
anArrow.Y = [y_start ,y_end];
anArrow.String = 'cos(3\pi/2)';
anArrow.Color = 'green';
  1 个评论
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2023-3-22
编辑:Bill Tubbs 2023-3-22
Thanks. This works. Strange that you can't use axes co-ordinate system with the annotate command. It has a 'Units' argument but I can't find an appropriate value for this argument other than the default which is 'normalized' (where is the documentation?).


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-6-27
  8 个评论
Timon Rayis
Timon Rayis 2019-11-11
Any developments with R2019b? annotations with non normalized coordinates like text ?


marcus yoder
marcus yoder 2018-8-23
编辑:marcus yoder 2018-8-23
I tested the code by Walter Robinson and had to make a few changes to get it to work.
function obj = dataArrow(Xdata,Ydata,ax)
%This function will draw an arrow on the plot for the specified data.
%The inputs are
oldunits = get(ax, 'Units');
set(ax, 'Units', 'Normalized');
axpos = ax.CurrentAxes.Position;
set(ax, 'Units', oldunits);
%get axes drawing area in data units
ax_xlim = ax.CurrentAxes.XLim;
ax_ylim = ax.CurrentAxes.YLim;
ax_per_xdata = axpos(3) ./ diff(ax_xlim);
ax_per_ydata = axpos(4) ./ diff(ax_ylim);
%these are figure-relative
Xpixels = (Xdata - ax_xlim(1)) .* ax_per_xdata + axpos(1);
Ypixels = (Ydata - ax_ylim(1)) .* ax_per_ydata + axpos(2);
obj = annotation('arrow', Xpixels, Ypixels, 'Units', 'pixels');

Robert 2019-9-7
I wanted to do something similar, here's an example that adds a double arrow between the x-values 1 and 5 with y-values 5 in a simple plot:

MichailM 2020-4-4
Maybe a function like the below could help. The x and y inputs are actual coordinates on the plot. Here I just need to draw an arrow but you can modify it
function myarrow(x,y)
ax = gca;
axpos = get(ax, 'Position');
X = get(gca,'XLim');
Y = get(gca,'YLim');
difX = X(2) - X(1);
difY = Y(2) - Y(1);
newx = x./difX;
newy = y./difY;
annotation('arrow',[newx(1)*axpos(3)+axpos(1) newx(2)*axpos(3)+axpos(1)],[newy(1)*axpos(4)+axpos(2) newy(2)*axpos(4)+axpos(2)])

Marc Compere
Marc Compere 2021-8-14
Scaling to achieve arrow annotations in axes units should be built into Matlab. The utility coord2norm() handles this easily.
This is a similar question with more discussions, but the short answer is: use coord2norm()
  1 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021-8-15
Thanks for pointing out that function, Marc, I'm sure it will be helpful in many cases.
Since it's a static, once-and-done, conversion, the annotation object may no longer be in the correct position if there are any changes to the figure size, axis size or position, axis limits, or aspect ratios. Calling the function after all plotting is complete would help to solve some of those issues. A more robust solution would be to assign listeners that update annotation objects when a resize or reposition event occurs but really what we need is for MathWorks to update the annotation function to support data units or offer users an alternative.


Vitaly Fedoseev
Vitaly Fedoseev 2021-5-26
The following code (Matlab R2019a) draws an arrow in the plot coordinates from point P1 to point P2. Zoom in/out shifts position of the arrow:
P1=[10,-1]; %from point
P2=[70,2]; % to point
Xlim=[-1 110];
Ylim=[-2 3];
Pos = [0.10 0.55 0.85 0.4];
subplot('Position', Pos)
hold on
x=0:0.1:100;plot(x, sin(x));plot([-100 1000], P2(2)*[1 1]); plot(P2(1)*[1 1], [-100 100]);
plot(x, sin(x));plot([-100 1000], P1(2)*[1 1]); plot(P1(1)*[1 1], [-100 100])
annotation('arrow', X_conv, Y_conv)
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-6-1
It should not be added to the code. Adam is saying that if you wanted to illustrate that the arrow did not follow the axes, then you could delete the axes and observe that the arrow is still there.


Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson 2022-10-26
It is absurd that we have to jump through hoops or download submitted code to plot an arrow in data units on a plot.
  2 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-10-27
Depending on what you're looking for, you can already plot simple arrows in data units using text().
x = rand(1,5);
y = rand(1,5);
text(x,y,repmat({char(8594)},size(x)), ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', ...
'FontSize', 14)
Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson 2022-10-27
Thanks for the suggestion, but I would like to place and point arrows with a specified length and direction. The innovative use of UNICODE arrows unfortunately doesn't allow for more than four or maybe eight directions, I expect.
[The excellent coord2norm() function, written by user sco1, should be part of core MATLAB and not require me to download and install third-party code, which I'm attempting to avoid to have a marketable toolbox.]



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