Cannot I import data from a file with multiples delimiters?

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I have a file called a.txt which has the following format
{"node_id":"a4","Arrived at":"2017-07-04T02:57:06.344971Z","total_Light":66.7959976196289,"S1":0,"S2":0,"S3":0}
{"node_id":"a2","Arrived at":"2017-07-04T02:57:06.344971Z","total_Light":66.7959976196289,"S1":0,"S2":0,"S3":0}
I would like to import that data as is being done with the gui import data in Matlab but from the command line, I have searched for importdata however I get an error in such a function saying that it cannot handle multidelimeters, even when the help makes you believe so.
If I invoke the importata over my file a.txt like this,
d = importdata('a.txt',[':',',','}'],1)
I get this error
Error using importdata (line 225)
Unable to load file.
Use TEXTSCAN or FREAD for more complex formats.
Caused by:
Error using importdata>parse (line 309)
Multicharacter delimiters are not supported.
Is it possibe to use importdata to with the multidelimeters or I have to turn to textscan?
Thanks in advance


Javier 2017-7-7
The solution for me was using the function readtable that it does allow as well the use of several delimeters
delimeters = {',','}',':'};
d = readtable('a.txt','Delimiter',delimeters)
d =
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Var9 Var10 Var11 Var12 Var13
____________ _____ ____________ _____________________________ _____________ ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____
'{"node_id"' 'a3' 'Arrived at' '2017-07-03T14:41:58.931247Z' 'total_Light' 7273.4 'S1' 253 'S2' 534 'S3' 64 NaN
'{"node_id"' 'a3' 'Arrived at' '2017-07-03T14:42:40.290891Z' 'total_Light' 7231.6 'S1' 259 'S2' 519 'S3' 61 NaN

更多回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2017-7-6
The textscan (link) function allows you to specify multiple delimeters. See the section on 'Delimiter' (link) for details.
  2 个评论
Javier 2017-7-7
Thanks Star Strider, in the end I have used readtable() since my data is almost table formated and it does also allow the use of several delimeters as textscan



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