Output of Sift Descriptors

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Albert Rey Ruelan
Albert Rey Ruelan 2017-7-22
Hi! I would like to know what should be the output of a sift descriptor when you are extracting them and saving them to a txt file.
I know that a feature vector consist of an m x 128 matrix. I had already obtained that output but what i am currently in doubt is that are they really the descriptors that i am looking for?
The results of my feature vectors are 0 and 1's only.Are they really only o and 1's?
Attached is my sample vector output
and just a follow up, if i want to save those feature vectors to a text files. What function should i use? Thanks in advance :)
  2 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-7-22
Nothing is attached (yet).
Albert Rey Ruelan
Albert Rey Ruelan 2017-7-22
编辑:Albert Rey Ruelan 2017-7-22
Sorry. I'm kinda new to this matlab forum.I've now attached it.


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