How to solve the code?

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Can somebody help me out.I am preforming the cocktail problem ie I have two signals, I deliberately mix them and I have to recover both the signals separately.In the code below, the two signals are shown as red and blue.I was able to separate the first signal. I need to extract the other signal also. How will I do it?
f1 = 1100; % frequency of tone generator 1; unit: Hz
f2 = 2900; % frequency of tone generator 2; unit: Hz
Ts = 1/(40*max(f1,f2)); % sampling period; unit: s
dMic = 1; % distance between microphones centered about origin; unit: m
dSrc = 10; % distance between tone generators centered about origin; unit: m
c = 340.29; % speed of sound; unit: m / s
% generate tones
t = [0:Ts:0.025];
tone1 = sin(2*pi*f1*t);
tone2 = sin(2*pi*f2*t);
hold on;
plot(t,tone2,'r'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude');
axis([0 0.005 -1 1]); legend('tone 1', 'tone 2');
hold off;
% mix tones at microphones
% assume inverse square attenuation of sound intensity (i.e., inverse linear attenuation of sound amplitude)
dNear = (dSrc - dMic)/2;
dFar = (dSrc + dMic)/2;
mic1 = 1/dNear*sin(2*pi*f1*(t-dNear/c)) + 1/dFar*sin(2*pi*f2*(t-dFar/c));
mic2 = 1/dNear*sin(2*pi*f2*(t-dNear/c)) + 1/dFar*sin(2*pi*f1*(t-dFar/c));
hold on;
plot(t,mic2,'r'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude');
axis([0 0.005 -1 1]); legend('mic 1', 'mic 2');
hold off;
% use svd to isolate sound sources
x = [mic1' mic2'];
hold on;
maxAmp = max(v(:,1));
plot(t,v(:,2),'r'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude');
axis([0 0.005 -maxAmp maxAmp]); legend('isolated tone 1', 'isolated tone 2');
hold off;


David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2017-7-25
编辑:David Goodmanson 2017-7-25
Hi Darsana,
I don't know how close the answer is supposed to be to tones with unit amplitude, but if you get rid of the odd dMic=0 command halfway down the code, the results look a lot better. With dMic=0 the two microphone signals are identical and svd has a pretty hard task.
  3 个评论
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson 2017-7-26
do you mean
xlabel('time') % etc.
xlabel('time') % etc.


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