App Designer: Programmatically toggle between buttons

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a toggle button group with 5 buttons (A, B, C, D etc...). I would like to have another "sequence" button which when pressed, changes the toggle button group from button A pressed (value=1) to button B pressed (value=1) and so on. Is there a way to implement this? I know how to explicitly press one toggle button by changing its value to 1. But I would like the "sequence" button to always press the next button. Thank you

回答(1 个)

Brian Hannan
Brian Hannan 2017-8-3
You can do this using the Buttons, OldValue, and NewValue properties described here. If you have a button group where the last button is named "next", the following callback will allow you to cyclically toggle the other buttons.
This code checks whether the "next" button has been selected. If so, It finds the index of the previously selected button, identifies the next button down, and sets its value to true.
function ButtonGroupSelectionChanged(app, event)
if strcmp(event.NewValue.Text, 'next')
buttonNameCell = {app.ButtonGroup.Buttons(1:end-1).Text};
lastSelectionIx = find(strcmp(buttonNameCell, event.OldValue.Text));
numButtons = numel(app.ButtonGroup.Buttons);
nextButtonIx = mod(lastSelectionIx, numButtons-1) + 1;
isButtonPressedArray = false(1:numButtons);
isButtonPressedArray(nextButtonIx) = true;
for k = 1:numButtons
app.ButtonGroup.Buttons(k).Value = isButtonPressedArray(k);


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