Can't find explicit solution
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Hi Guys,
MATLAB says it can't find an explicit solution for following equation. What i want is to estimate parameters, by doing partial derivations, they should be equal to zero and then solve them.
I tried it for equation after equation or all at once with solve and vpasolve. Nothing worked, but i know, that there must be a solution (from another programm).
Is there a formal error in my code? Or do you have any idea what i could try?
syms A B b y0 real
x1=[x11 x21 x31 x41];
x2=[x12 x22 x32 x42];
t1=27; t2=50; t3=25; t4=55;
Versuchsdaten=[t1 t2 t3 t4];
%log. Likelihood-Funktion%
for i=1:length(Versuchsdaten)
%differentielle Ableitungen%
Try 1:
When MATLAB would find a solution for this equation i would youse subs to integrate this solution for b into dLby0 and so one till i get a numerical solution.
Try 2:
[b_hat, y0_hat, A_hat, B_hat] = vpasolve([dLdb==0, dLdy0==0, dLdA==0, dLdB==0], [b, y0, A, B])
3 个评论
Walter Roberson
I tried in Maple; when I set the calculation precision to be low, it suggests
A = -7.39041359316*10^7, B = 4.30445800579, b = 0., y0 = 7.39041458029*10^7
However, it fails when increasing the calculation precision. I went back and substituted b = 0 into the equation, but that generates a division by 0 error. That suggests that possibly there might not be a direct solution in reals, only a solution in limits.
Karan Gill
编辑:Karan Gill
You can check Walter's suggestion that the solution is in limits as
>> limit(dLdb,b,0)
ans =
>> limit(dLdy0,b,0)
ans =
>> limit(dLdA,b,0)
ans =
>> limit(dLdB,b,0)
ans =
Continuing with Walter's suggestion, I reduced the precision of vpasolve using digits. Then I specified the range in vpasolve to limit b to about 0. Read the doc for digits and vpasolve.
>> digitsOld = digits(4); % change precision
eqns = [dLdb==0, dLdy0==0, dLdA==0, dLdB==0];
vars = [b, y0, A, B];
ranges = [-10^(-5) 10^(-5); NaN NaN; NaN NaN; NaN NaN];
[b_hat, y0_hat, A_hat, B_hat] = vpasolve(eqns, vars, ranges)
b_hat =
y0_hat =
A_hat =
B_hat =
vpasolve fails at b = 0. Walter, thanks again for the insight :) And ake sure you change digits back!
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更多回答(1 个)
Walter Roberson
There are at least two solutions, in two different clusters.
There is at least one solution near
A = 0.00458728466696763, B = 0.351160874946993, b = -27.8555787371441, y0 = 3.58721372891737
The exact position would take more work. The minimum residue appears to be along a line relating A and B, and along a line relating b and y0, but there is no obvious correlation between A and b or y0 or between B and b or y0. Hmmmm, now I see planes of relationships when I view the variables 3 at a time. I am not sure what to make of it all; the situation is as if there is a hyperplane of solutions. It might be the case that there is a point solution in theory but that in practice the round-off errors are causing what appear to be random fuzz around it.
There is a second solution (or cluster of solutions) near
A = 0.00458728466706846433, B = 0.351160874946970347, b = 27.8555787443984215, y0 = 3.62982071185302235
This is pretty much the same A and B, and a b that might plausibly be the negative of the other b, and a y0 that might plausibly be the same as the other one.
When I examine mathematically, it is not obvious to me that substituting -b for b in the equations would produce the same solutions, so at the moment I am not sure what is happening in that regards: the above solutions were produced experimentally by residue minimization, not based on theory.
3 个评论
Walter Roberson
I have been doing more testing, and finding a number of potential solution clusters. There is something suspicious in the area near -81003023.5509659648, -83630380.8575624228, -9.50685400681583273e-09, -99921437.7476787567
As I search, it keeps finding points with fairly low residue, and the optimal keeps moving towards lower A and lower B.
At the moment the search range is
A = -82060697.1417102218 .. -79988127.5028114915, B = -83751616.8654009104 .. -80982369.0845304728, b = -9.63048143368570503e-09 .. -9.49956191432576237e-09, y0 = -99990723.4130454659 .. -99425994.6932563037
and I have found quite a number of points with low residue within that range -- but there are also many points with fairly high residue as well. I have not found any good pattern as to which points are good and which are not. I tested against the possibility that the limit of A approaching -inf or B approaching -inf would be 0, but if it is then it is not obviously the case.
Walter Roberson
That B value turns out to be (1/4)*ln(110/27) which can be written other ways such as (1/4)*ln(2)+(1/4)*ln(5)+(1/4)*ln(11)-3*ln(3)*(1/4)
As to why it turns out to be that, I am still trying to reproduce that. It popped up for me earlier and now when I go back to try to re-create it, I am having reproducibility difficulties, so I am not sure how to prove it quite yet. But the value works out. The line of investigation was approximately: solve dLdb for A, substitute that A into dldy0, solve that for B, and poke at that result until your symbolic engine realizes that the various b cancel out giving you a constant result.
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