How can we create a distributed array for specific number of workers (cores) in MATLAB?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a question: How can we create a distributed array for specific number of workers in MATLAB? In other words, if we have 4 workers(cores) in our computer and we would like to designate just 3 workers to process a distributed array, how can we do that. I used the existing commands in this way:
a=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; b=codistributed(a);
Unfortunately, this instruction use all four workers!
Please, any idea how to solve this problem?
Kind regards Ammar

回答(1 个)

Edric Ellis
Edric Ellis 2017-8-17
You could either create the pool explicitly using only three workers
Or, you could use spmd with the optional argument
b = codistributed(a);


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