How to insert new empty lines in middle of an exisiting text file

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i have the following problem: I have a txt.file into which i want to add a couple of new empty lines at a certain position (row number).
Old Text File: Line1 Line2 Line3 Line4
New Txt File: Line1 Line2 New Empty Line New Empty Line Line3 Line4
Thanks for your help
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回答(2 个)

Kevin Xia
Kevin Xia 2017-8-25
Try using the functions importdata and strjoin with '\n' as the delimiter. importdata will give output a cell array that you can insert an extra row in. Something like:
will insert a newline into the cell array at the desired row number. Strjoin can join the cell array together into a character array, which can be printed to a file using fopen and fprintf. Please see the documentation for these functions for more details.

Guillaume 2017-8-25
编辑:Guillaume 2017-8-25
One of the many possible ways to do this:
filepath = 'c:\somewhere\somefile.txt;
contents = fileread(filepath);
lines = strsplit(contents, '\n', 'CollapseDelimiters', false);
newlines = [lines(1:2), {'', ''}, lines(3:end)]; %to insert two blank lines at line 3
newcontents = strjoin(newlines, '\n');
fid = fopen(filepath, 'w');
fwrite(fid, newcontents);


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