Delete rows when a value repeated less than 5 times

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a matrix:
a b c
1 201 1
2 202 1
3 203 1
4 204 1
5 205 1
6 206 1
7 207 2
8 208 2
9 209 2
10 210 2
11 222 3
12 232 3
I would like to remove rows 7-12 which have a value in the last column (c) repeated less than 5 times. Any help is appreciated.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2017-8-31
编辑:Sean de Wolski 2017-8-31
m = [1 201 1
2 202 1
3 203 1
4 204 1
5 205 1
6 206 1
7 207 2
8 208 2
9 209 2
10 210 2
11 222 3
12 232 3];
% Unique elements and locations in third column
[uv, ~, id] = unique(m(:,3));
% How many of each?
n = histcounts(id);
% Keep ones with more than 5.
m2 = m(ismember(m(:,3), uv(n>=5)),:)
  2 个评论
Dinh-Vinh Vo
Dinh-Vinh Vo 2017-8-31
Thank you very much for your help, Sean. It is definitely what I'm looking for.
Karena Weduwen
Karena Weduwen 2018-3-19
编辑:Karena Weduwen 2018-3-19
Hello Sean, your code works perfectly fine on a small testfile I use (190 rows).
But as soon as I add some more rows, the
n = histcounts(id);
part starts giving weird values. I cannot find the reason for that change.
Attached you find the two files:
working.txt code runs through without any trouble
not working.txt "n = histcounts(id);" gives strange output and the m2 stays empty.
Any suggestions on how the code could be adjusted to work on a bigger file?
since my file looks a little different (I am searching in the first column) here is the code I use:
if true
load working.txt
a = working(:,:);
[uv, ~, id] = unique(a(:,1));
n = histcounts(id);
m2 = a(ismember(a (:,1), uv(n==4)),:);


更多回答(1 个)

José-Luis 2017-8-31
编辑:José-Luis 2017-8-31
idx = unique(m(:,3));
count = accumarray(c.',(1:numel(c)).',[],@numel);
to_keep = ~ismember(m(:,3),idx(count < 5));
result = m(to_keep,:)
  5 个评论
José-Luis 2017-8-31
No, the solution is not robust. You'd need to adjust the accumarray function.



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