I dont know how to script this operation.

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function s = sumUp(X)
%Simple function in MATLAB.
% s=sumUp(x) is a function that returns s given s=Sigma(X(i)).
% Caution! X here is a vector: X=[ x1 x2 ... xn].
s = 0;
% ============= YOUR CODE HERE ==============
% Instructions: Return s given s=Sigma(X(i)), X is a vector.
% Use built-in function length(X) to obtain the length of X.
% Use for loop to sum up all elements of X.
% ===========================================


Wonsang You
Wonsang You 2017-9-4
编辑:Wonsang You 2017-9-4
Try the following code.
function s = sumUp(X)
s = 0;
for s=1:length(X)
s = s + X(s);
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-9-5
He should not have had s be both the accumulating variable and the loop index. It should be:
function s = sumUp(X)
s = 0;
for k = 1 : length(X)
s = s + X(k);
James T
James T 2017-9-6
编辑:James T 2017-9-6
I discovered it was the right script, but a few letters needed to be changed inside the statement after looking at the documents and noticing one of them used a different identifier. I am new to this style of scripting, but it's been fun so far! Thank you!


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